The Ultimate Space Drama: SpaceX's Falcon 9 Launch Aborted in the Nick of Time - Watch on MySite
The Ultimate Space Drama: SpaceX's Falcon 9 Launch Aborted in the Nick of Time
Published on: 30.03.2023
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ABORT! : SpaceX's Falcon 9 countdown has halted about 3 seconds before liftoff from Vandenberg Space Force Base. Here's a replay of the Falcon 9 countdown abort at T-minus 3 seconds at Vandenberg.
A rare last minute abort on today Falcon 9 launch attempt at Vandenberg. Abort called at T-3 seconds. Following today’s launch abort, the SpaceX Falcon 9 - SDA Tranche 0 mission has another opportunity on FRI, Mar 31, 7:29am PT/ 14:29 UTC, from Vandenberg SFB, CA.
Falcon 9 was about to launch 10 satellites for Semper Citius SDA at 7:29 AM PDT (14:29 UTC) today, March 30, 2023, including two built by SpaceX. Today’s launch was going to be the first in support of a new military communications and missile tracking constellation.
#SpaceX #Falcon9 #starl

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